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About The Creator

Get To Know Me 
(Your Awkward Blogger)

If the title doesn't say it all, shortly you'll be able to read it all.


My name is Meaghan Kincaid, I am 21 years young and somehow you've found my very first website! Earlier this year (2018) I took it upon myself to just go for it. I've always had a travel bug in me, but there comes a day when you realize you are actually and I mean REALLY are able to achieve the thing you'd only dreamt of. I don't think you need me to explain the ways which life can beat you down, make you doubt nearly every little thing you do and who you are, but those doubts are superficial. Sometimes those doubts are close to home and they can surface as comfort. The comfort to stay where you are and cause you to settle for the life you have created in a safe space, but what's the fun in that? I'm here, writing about the experience I was so fortunate to have; my near 3 month journey throughout Europe! And to get one thing straight, I had to kiss my doubts goodbye. It was happening, I had made it happen and I had committed to fulfilling the one thing I couldn't graduate college without achieving first. 


I'm no professional blogger, but I am giving myself the chance to share my experiences with whoever happens to find this website. Although, I can't lie, I was being slightly selfish when creating this website. I made this for myself too; A place where I can continually reflect on my travels and the many, MANY, aspects that come/ came with it; including unveiling who I am, who I WANT to be, and figuring out what the hell I want to be doing. 






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